I met my second wife, and same thing happened, but it lasted longer (the books and strategies worked). Robin. I have had a life of complex PTSD from child sexual abuse too. Thank you James, I appreciated reading about your rather unpleasant experiences, but feel uplifted by your courage, determination and perseverance to get yourself into good and positive emotional and mental awareness . Its the detail that is the secret for this unfortunate person , to be unravelled, somehow , and that is where trust is crucial and most elusive. I can see it as a survival strategy but I have realised I need to take responsibility for the relationships I agree to get involved with and this has nothing to do with the narcissist as a relationship has to have agreement and if a participant is taken advantage of its a lifes lesson to take seriously. Can You Have Both Asperger's And Narcissism? He loves history with a laser focus and when we go places Im expected to show the same level of interest he has or he thinks were not compatible. They are certainly not genetic. If someone is doing something stupid, you cannot jump inside their brain to stop them, they need to use their brain to stop themselves, the responsibility is not yours.) I am very grateful he is in my life. Am saying that all these DSM inventions, are real yes, but not as these frauds explain them. Our grandson has a milder case but enough where you can tell he is in his own wonderful world. Thankyou Robin, Im Pleased it was helpful. My father has a warped sense of reality, but at the same time he is quite anti social and has reccently had issues with anxiety. I know that this is the wrong thing to do but it is a powerful thing that certain people have over me, and try as I might, it is a habit that I have yet to be successful breaking. I may be wrong but from what I have read it appears you are still putting others ahead of your own happiness. Then another decade or two of OK and good times, regular job etc. I cant go to his house anymore so he comes to mine and can only see me the same days of the week, it bothers him to change the schedule, Mon, Wed, Sat evenings for the last 9 months now. How to Tell the Difference. There are many dodgy characters that aren Narcissistic or Autistic and the stigma attached is unacceptable. Thats all the worst of the abuse. A hug for you because I think you need one, and I hope you can rise above all this to a better life. Think about all the mean things hes done to you, not the good things, and you may find there wasnt that many good things anyway, if you put the good and bad side by side. Why did I move in with her when we first met about 20 years ago? I told him this once and he said maybe you shouldnt be with me then. I want to share my home with my loved ones but he makes it so unconfortable I have to do this outside of my home. I developped a 6th sense for dealing with narcs. In fact, their lack of understanding of social cues, situations, and intentions can make many of them more likely to manipulate even if it isnt entirely intentional. I am struggling with a manager who appears to have high functioning autism / narcissism. She has gained a great deal from some of the information and has been able to relate to information in these non fiction books. I have read that child abuse survivors sometime drift into or plunge into abusive relationships as adults. If you saw him, youd think nothing was out the ordinary. I learned that my breakdown was caused not by the stress of change of job and moving house to another county. They do not ignore each other for a power trip the absolute norm in modern society, in person or online communications. Asperger's does not exist in a bubble that protects it from co-morbid disabilities and mental defects. My father (boss in healthcare) made me get fired after i discovered his fraudulent scheme. An afterthought, research the effects of heavy metals and food additives. This brought on the most horrendous fear in him which he still has trouble containing. Im super confused for myself right now (and how narcissistic is that right out of the gate!!). Both.. one after another.. a decade in between each other.. parent tried to kill me. It took me a lot of book reading and watching DVDs to begin to understand where my daughter was coming from and it was very much of a relief to finally understand what I was doing wrong in the way I was handling her. I was an extremely broken person by the end of our marriage and spent many years working on myself as I have always been determined to want the best out of life. It appears mirror neurons also play a role in personality condition-related issues. Any thoughts? He never asks how I am, and only asks what I think about something to help him make a decision, because hes incapable of making them. Most worrisome is that he repeats the same stories of his job, his ex wives, his children like hes never told them before. I feel terrible about what I did. (He had no father or siblings and was very isolated growing up.) Since i left behind all my family.. im always.. at peace. How could i know i was that good, or had any kind of skills or whatever my entire family and world kept destroying me all my life. He is a movie buff and can watch the same movie over and over, sometimes within the same week. And before that beeing erronously diagnosed having Schizophrenia simplex. Any assistance with this will be highly appreciated and therapeutic for me. Dont expect them in your relationship with the person with narcissism. What an awful thing to say to someone trying to recover from narcissism. When its a guy like me that has to enlighten the whole god dam healthcare dep of my region on how its insane to let a autistic guy like me in a foundation cauz i cant live on my own or take care of me fully.. let the guy starve to death! Childhood traumas need to be dealt with promptly but when these traumas are not understood they show up in the most peculiar ways. I am more aware now and conclude that one or both of my parents may have been narcissistic, and one maybe HSP also, which may have brought on schizophrenic symptoms. He makes the bed every day and sweeps the floor, and asking more than that is too much. I definitely think Autism comes first, with Narcissism, sociopathy, abuser last.I think Autistics probably learn to copy and emulate others in their early years, and when frustrations of adulthood keep coming, they go into the mean, raging, boastfulness of Narcissism. Yes, they are as varied in character as other folk. I get your point. In hindsight, I regret offering any armchair diagnosis, even though Ive spent many many hours studying these things for my sake, her sake, and our families sake. I cannot tell if it was a good thing that my family aside from being all narc monsters, were also all very smart giving me the highest iq/capacities of the family which is mostly (aside from being sensitive) what drove my brothers and parents into a sickening jealousy. Just like I cant change my introverted personality. I was desperate for attention and conversation and no abuse and so I had several sexual encounters that he just found out about and now I dont know how to end this all. Autism also resides . damit!) Is it Asperger's or Narcissism or Both? Our marriage ended after 25 years and was through my choice in asking him to leave. Others dont want to see me.. i dont want to see them gg lol. If I try to see him through glass I can see that he is self-obsessed, opinionated, considers himself always right (which he almost always is because of his intelligence) can be arrogant and is consumed with his own family, their happiness and his health. He has refused to look on property websites because its too stressful, and hes fed up of seeing the same old crap but then the minute he gets stressed accusing me of not doing enough to find us a home, caring too much about being cheap, and that Im selfish. I lived with him for around 38 years and one of the worst things to be experienced is the manipulation and degrading of personal self and loneliness under the barrage of rot they seem to like to dish up. This was not who I was and came to a pivitol point around that time, as I felt deep misery. Psychiatrists say its me that learned, for survival, to mimic my family, my parents. Clearly, aspies struggle with meeting the emotional needs of their partners. Maybe they have to be taught, if willing. You have to change yourself, of course with Gods great help and leading. I am very supportive of his family and I ask questions and give him feedback but even when I bring my family he doesnt really seem too interested. hey if why are you doing this or that. There was a wait to get in but in the end it has been well worth it. Recognize that if your partner hurts you, it is not intentional. Thats my biggest question right now. And in this situation knowing he is a narcissist has taken a lot of my wounding away from our very difficult relationship and I have come to terms with how our relationship is. I was always a very confident female who felt she could accomplish anything I put my mind to yet he would always have a negative or VERY INSINCERE comment in front of others about anything I accomplished in my life. There is a site called First Wives World that may be of help as well. My husband has some from both but primarily Narcissism but just got diagnosed in 1 hour for Asperger. Maybe thats just evidence that some things can be more than one thing, and that someone can be a bit Aspergers AND a bit narcissistic. It started the retaliation from my entire family that were on a propaganda campaign in all aspect of my life to make sure eveyrone is 100% convinced im a god dam pure monster satan himself and never listen to me i make up huge lies to destroy everyone bla bla. I was advised no contact is one of the best ways. (2005, April 18). This article is great and I love the comparison table. If people have no decent care in childhood and adolescence all they can do is put themselves first and take no prisoners. I would need some education myself to understand how I developed this understanding as I do feel its a positive. And I also feel he could dump me with one wrong word. My husband is fine with animals but has problems with humans. I will say that one of the saddest things I have been thinking about her, and about anyone with mental health conditions like the above mentioned is how much danger they could be putting themselves in if left untreated. I am an advocate for marriage, I believe in it and I greived greatly when my marriage ended. Paradoxically, people with both diagnoses are empathic and generous in ways that are both surprising and surprising at the same time. I did this often to remind myself what I was dealing with. I wonder do you feel that the more he tells you it is not working the more you want to help him because you feel he has a problem you may be able to help with? You have to live your own life and have your own friends with these satanically possessed individuals In addition to related terms, my husband has been linked to narcissism and Asperger's by people concerned about him and others in his life. In this DVD the doctor admits to his ideas about Aspergers being wrong after meeting a very successful man who had it, but had the help of two very competent secretarys to help run his business. Advices for someone in relationship with narcissist:
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