We hope that with this tutorial you have a clearer idea of the best ways to prepare your manuscript for submission and craft an efficient and effective submission plan! You will usually receive a letter from the editor who handled your manuscript outlining the changes they would like you to make and links to the reviewer reports. All peer-reviewed content will carry an anonymous statement of peer reviewer acknowledgement, and for those reviewers who give their consent, we will publish their names alongside the published article. This will reduce delays. Before publication, the Journals and Editorial press office also informs the press / public information officers of authors' institutions to allow them to prepare their own publicity. Most referees honour their prior agreement with Nature to deliver a report within seven days or other agreed time limit, and send their reports online. This decision typically indicates that the editor saw potential value in the topic or idea for your article but does not believe that it has been fully developed yet, either conceptually or in writing. Maybe things are just taking longer due to Thanksgiving? We recommend that before you decide your next steps you take a few days to consider you options. We are unsure if the manuscript was unsubmitted or rejected based on the information you have provided. See this document for a full description of what happens after acceptance and before publication. I think the manuscript "under consideration" is an auto-update that appears as soon as an editor has been assigned. Decline publication, typically on grounds of either there being insufficient support for the conclusions or a reassessment of the level of interest or advance in light of the reviewers' comments. The work lacks scientific merit - the manuscript does not make any significant improvement to the intended field of . When challenging the decision you may receive a letter from the editor explaining . Reviewers are expected to treat the manuscript confidentially. That being said, they've probably done an initial review and didn't flat out reject it, so that is a good thing! Special attention is paid by the editors to the readability of submitted material. It is Nov 28 and the status hasnt changed. If an author remains unsatisfied, he or she can write to the Editor, citing the manuscript reference number. News stories and other reporting about articles should not appear any earlier than the posting of the online paper. Decisions are quicker, and editorial criteria can be made uniform across disciplines. This letter usually contains information on how to return your revised manuscript including instructions on how to highlight the changes made and when you need to return the revised version. Editors need to identify, invite and get (often two or more) reviewers to agree to review. Reviewers may choose to be identified to the authors or to remain anonymous. Although we hope that the peer review files will provide a detailed and useful view into our peer review process, it is important to note that these files will not contain all the information considered in the editorial decision making process, such as the discussions between editors, editorial decision letters, or any confidential comments made by reviewers or authors to the editors. All Articles published in Nature go through at least one round of review, usually two or three, sometimes more. Authors submitting to Nature do so on the understanding that they agree to these policies. ensure that the paper is at the length specified by the manuscript editor (including number of figures). Please avoid repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction. Such figures can be particularly helpful to nonspecialist readers of cell, molecular and structural biology papers. If the manuscript has been peer-reviewed, authors should include a note explaining any changes made to the manuscript compared to the original Nature Plants submission, along with a separate point-by-point response to the reviewer reports. Hey everyone. If Nature's editors agree to reconsider a paper, the other original referee(s) will have the chance to see and comment on the report of the referee who is the subject of the complaint. The science editor has sole responsibility for the decision to accept or reject a manuscript, and that decision is final. What does a quick change from 'Under consideration' to 'Decision made' back to 'Under consideration' mean for Nature? Cactus Communications. [CDATA[// > Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. Most manuscripts are sent out for peer review. [CDATA[// >what is april simpson doing today,
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